learn about next gen assemblies
Watch to learn how the MVP message supports students' Social and Emotional Learning.
music and a message
supporting the
next generation
During the past few years we have totaled over
320 assemblies in 8 different states communicating to every one of the 110,000+ students:
They Matter,
they have Value, and
they have Purpose.
All are MVP's.
Jess and Mike bring a tailor-made, high energy, impactful assembly combining the message with original music specifically written to support the message.
Each assembly is collaboratively designed with your school addressing the specific challenges your students face on a variety of pressing topics such as:
Anti-bullying in school and anti-cyberbullying
Positive self-worth through believing in oneself
Suicide prevention
Anti-drug/anti-vaping use
Dealing with disappointments
Making positive decisions/choices
Treating everyone with kindness and respect regardless of background or physical characteristics
Beyond the assembly we provide a day of service in your school (speaking to and performing an unplugged concert in classrooms/clubs and eating lunch with your students) to help them cope and overcome social and emotional challenges.
what schools are saying
secondary school staff react to the mvp message

"...The highest level of engagement we've had at an assembly in years...
-Wade Hall, Principal, Tri County R-VII
"There was a great mix between what the students needed to hear in the moment and getting them excited through music.”
-Devin Johnson, Principal, Saint James R-1
"I saw a few tears... made a big impact."
-Benjamin Hihath, Counselor, Lathrop R-II
"This is definitely worth what you get and more. This is a great assembly for students our age."
-Angela Gibson, Superintendent, Midway R-I
elementary school staff highlight the engagement
"...It was a great presentation for the kids, but most importantly, it was a really, really good message."
-Monte Munsinger, Principal, Shenandoah, IA
"It was highly engaging, so I was very blown away by what I saw verses what I expected."
-Danielle Strider, Principal, Wellington/Napoleon
"...high energy, lot's of fun, lot's of dancing. They just had a blast!...They couldn't stop talking about not only the music and the performers, but the message as well. It really resonated with them and I look forward to seeing its impact on the entire school year."
-Craig McGee, Principal, Fullerton Magnet, Omaha, NE

middle school counselor and principal share about the impact

"Powerful message for our students...Topics they need to hear...I love how you tied the music into the messages."
Ashley McConkey, School Counselor
"...I thought it was phenomenal!
The message was very powerful, motivating and inspirational and I loved seeing the kids up moving and excited...I'd say if any school could invite you in, do it.
To me, it's life changing to hear this message."
Peggy Gamble, Principal
South Harrison Middle School
we're ready to collaborate
with you
Next Gen Assemblies with Jess Angelique and Mike Dawson is again performing assemblies.
When you bring in a Next Gen Assembly, Jess Angelique and Mike Dawson share stories to encourage your students in who they are and the difference they can make by living a life respecting others and focusing on the right priorities.
You bring in like-minded, youthful performers who share the message and music offering greater excitement and production in the on-stage product. You can find Jess and Mike's band, NextEra, on all steaming platforms and YouTube. It's a blend of chorus and rap. Jess and Mike collaborate together to create a top-notch unforgettable performance for your students.
A highly effective, impactful day of service in your school can be arranged.
Call Jess at 402-657-5535.
next gen original, "rise"
Jess and mike performing their original song, "Rise," at school assemblies.
impact your students with
Jess' story

Jess Angelique is that quiet student in your class overlooked but overachieving without attention. She will tell your students she was never one of the popular kids in school and was bullied by classmates online and in person. Her transparency and insecurity encourage students to be who they are and treat others with respect. What separates Jess from other assembly speakers is her ability to relate to your students first-hand that deal with bullying and self-worth. She looks for the kid sitting alone. She was that kid sitting alone. You can trust Jess Angelique to deliver an effective message inspiring positive behavior change that will last weeks and months after the assembly.
At the age of seven, Jess Angelique showed a strong desire to sing. Gifted with a strong voice, she soon found she had the gift of writing music composing her first song five years later. From the age of 12, Jess loved to write music to encourage kids going through the same struggles at school.
Talent brought opportunity with music industry professionals leading to Jess releasing an eight-song solo project when she was 14 and a seven-song group project with NextEra at 17. She has spent 5 years touring, serving schools and youth events with song and message. Her music can be found on digital platforms as NextEra and Jess Angelique Music.
impact your students with
Mike's story

Ever since Mike was young he's always had passion and drive. One thing he grew especially passionate about is music. Throughout the years he developed his talents in vocals, producing, and instrumentation. Mike has been in many bands over the years as a lead vocalist or an instrumentalist.
Mike has an internal drive to always work hard and to excel. This drive and determination have been developed as he has overcome personal obstacles weighing him down. Mike's inspiring transformational journey of overcoming low self-esteem through understanding his self-worth inspired his incredible weight loss success.
Mike's friendly, sincere, determined demeanor shines through as he shares his personal story that in turn inspires youth to have the same overcoming attitude.
what students are saying
A: During Next Gen Assemblies, Jess and Mike sing and speak encouraging your students toward positive self-worth.
They share their own stories of overcoming difficult situations, bullying in school, cyber-bullying and thoughts of suicide. The team shares practical strategies your students can use to overcome their own hardships.
-Anti-bullying in school and anti-cyberbullying
-Positive self-worth through believing in oneself
-Suicide prevention
-Anti-drug use
-Dealing with disappointments
-Making positive decisions/choices
-Treating everyone with kindness and respect regardless of background/physical characteristics
A: The assembly is a blend of pop music and stories led by Jess Angelique and Mike Dawson.
Q: WHY use music in an assembly?
A: Music captures students' attention and the lyrics support your message of positive self-worth, respecting others and being the best you can be.
Also, the message of the music continues weeks and months after the assembly as your students remember the songs and their positive message.
Q: WHAT IS THE TARGET AGE a next gen assembly?
A: We perform K-12 assemblies. We tailor the event toward the age of your students focusing on self-worth.
A: We tailor the assembly to your needs. Generally the assembly lasts between 45 minutes to 1:15.
Q: Is there a concern with the performers being young?
A: It is actually a benefit. They will relate to your students as they understand how to communicate your message to youth not much younger than themselves. Jess and Mike are gifted speakers and musicians both having begun performing in front of audiences since their early youth.
A: Obviously, this is a difficult question to answer for both of us. You have a limited budget. We have expenses getting to your school. We all have the goal of helping students cope with everyday challenges.
As you are considering a Next Gen Assembly, a range to consider is $1000 to $2500 for a day of programming. Let us know you are interested and we will go to work finding other schools in your area.
The more flexible you are in scheduling the more flexible we can be with pricing as there is a cost in travel and routing of the event.
We also greatly appreciate your help in connecting us to schools in your area that could coordinate a day of programming before or after we are at your district.
Answers are best determined with a phone call.
Let’s talk about it:
Jess Angelique 402-657-5535
get in touch