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superintendent attends
every assembly 

“I attended every one of the assemblies and was impressed at the ability of the three performers to adjust and adapt to the various grade levels. The K-3 grade students really loved the music and were an excited audience. Grades 4-6 took a little bit of time to warm up,  but they got into it!  One of my biggest concerns was about the Middle school kids, especially since they seem to be the ones who always sit back and say: "go ahead, just try to impress me."  Well, I was pleasantly surprised to watch as these students became enthralled in the personal stories and with the songs/lyrics of our three young performers. In fact, teachers mentioned afterwards that the students seemed more attentive and engaged than in any assembly they could remember. 

Superintendent Reviews
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Greg and the middle school Principal, Clay Emery, created a survey for the 7th and 8th graders and there was tremendous response.  In fact, 370 students out of the 460 enrolled, replied to the survey. That is incredible!  Our alternative school has about 75 students and they had their own assembly and seemed to be quite impressed and touched by what was said and shared through song. My other huge concern was wondering how our students at Safford High School would respond. We had 800 students in the Center for the Arts and to get high school students to wave their arms in the air or clap to the beat isn't easy...  Jess seems to be electrified as they came out on stage and saw the audience... The message to our students that they Matter, that they have Value, and that they have a Purpose could not have come at a more needed time. 


We also appreciate them going to the schools during the school day, eating lunch with students, visiting classes, and sharing time. I highly recommend these assemblies to any and all schools.

Ken VanWinkle, Superintendent

Safford AZ Schools

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